Hello again.
My clan had a server few months ago and we used to have it streamed. We are gonna reopen it in few weeks.
First time I tried to ban someone by using the GUID, it did not work, then I found out that like 95% of the brazilian servers are cracked, since there is no original Cod2 available / for sale here anymore, so, PB cannot get player GUIDs from cracked servers. I noticed that the administrator from the server Snipe's Killhouse ( "cleans" his server by using hardware bans. His server's version is 1.0, so, no PB. I would like to know how I can perform a hardware BAN, with and without PB. I know it can be bypassed, but it's the best choice for my server. I know that cheaters from my country can barely install their cheats, none of them will find out how to bypass the hardware bans.
Thanks again for your attention,
G. Schmidt.