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Everything posted by Schmidt

  1. Maybe I missed this detail on the rules, but it's been months I read it... so, here's the thing - I used to have my clan's public server protected by PBBans (streaming), and we have just reopened our server, different IP now. So, how can I restart streaming? I cannot re-apply for streaming admin, since I already did it once, but I need PBBans again, it was very helpfull with the old server. Best regards, me
  2. I'm gonna check with the host if they can do something about it. I'm sure someone already asked them about it in so many years of cod2. Thanks again for your help.
  3. Any idea of how Snipe applies the hardware bans? I cant contact him.
  4. Hello again. My clan had a server few months ago and we used to have it streamed. We are gonna reopen it in few weeks. First time I tried to ban someone by using the GUID, it did not work, then I found out that like 95% of the brazilian servers are cracked, since there is no original Cod2 available / for sale here anymore, so, PB cannot get player GUIDs from cracked servers. I noticed that the administrator from the server Snipe's Killhouse ( "cleans" his server by using hardware bans. His server's version is 1.0, so, no PB. I would like to know how I can perform a hardware BAN, with and without PB. I know it can be bypassed, but it's the best choice for my server. I know that cheaters from my country can barely install their cheats, none of them will find out how to bypass the hardware bans. Thanks again for your attention, G. Schmidt.
  5. Thanks!
  6. Hi. Two days ago, when I started streaming, I saw a banner with my server's statistics. I've been looking for it today, but I cant find it, and I'd like to check it / publish in my clan's website. Game: Call of Duty 2 IP: Thanks for your attention!
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