Hey folks,
Every morning i get a Mail which tells me that my BF3 server stopped streaming. So i have to write in all the commands day by day which is anoying to be honest. I hope you could help me and sort that issue out.
Acc ID : 10576
Name : HeadshotDeliveryService
Team : =[HDS]=
How can the streaming admin add me too a team account? i cant fill out application. I have a forums accout and if i fill out an application it says....Username is in use and Clantag is in use. I really appriciate your help guys thx!!!
We are streaming to our server since the beginning of May.....within the first 2 days we caught 2 hackers and everything was fine......but since that day we never caught any hacker !!!! And to be honest i kicked a few were everyone was able to see that he uses hacks (like 32 kills in the 1st minute :-P). Sometimes i saw that the guys i kicked were caught one day later on annother server and thats whats strange...why dont they get kicked on our server?. It says we are streaming but im not sure about that.If anyone knows what could cause those problems would be great. Server IP is
My Xfire is tr3virus
Cheers Tr3_