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Everything posted by jrolson

  1. I thought of a great new tool that would help admins figure out who could be cheating. How it works, It would retrieve a users kill/death ratio via http://bfbcs.com/ and then display it in-game in a console in the top right corner. Any user who would have an extremely high k/d ratio would be displayed in red. Allowing an admin to get a sense of who is cheating... In the end it would be the admins decision on who get banned or kicked. What it would look like,
  2. Ok hope it gets fixed soon.
  3. If you dont mind me asking, but how do you know Dice knows about it?
  4. Just a heads up, theres a new teleport hack/exploit. And it's almost on every server now.. :( Seen it on 2 out of 3 servers ive been on today.
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