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Everything posted by IGurvitZ

  1. Here are few bans: "VANEA" "109.248.*.*" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK "[--FloP--Craig]" "62.78.*.*" PBBansHub!MULTIHACK "nooblike" "" Caught by PBSS (CROSSHAIR HACK) And I have more, but why is my server ban count is 0? Thank you.
  2. hahaha!!! You guyz don't understand, in Crysis Wars you can have more damage, no recoil, more bullets, just by: **censored** I don't mean aimbot. Soo yeah, what i'm doing right now is testing, ban is disabled so I'm only getting kick (I think). But I wanted to see how the ban system works, but if it's not allowed, no problem. Before i'm going to enable the ban system, have to make sure that it wouldn't ban innconet players.
  3. I want to test if my server detectes and ban cheaters well. But i'm afraid that i'll get ban, what can I do if I will?
  4. I'm getting an error message: Do NOT delete your server if you are trying to fix streaming issues. Only remove it you know the ip or port is incorrect or moving it to a new ip / port. Please contact a PBBans Staff member for assistance on any server that is not streaming. Can you tell me what's wrong? Thank you, much appreciate Edit: There's a problem right now with crynet (all Crysis Wars servers), this could be the reason. Edit 2: crynet is ok now, and my server is streaming. Please tell me if everythnig is alright. Thank you!
  5. think I've added all the correct command and when I type pb_sv_uconlist I receive the correct reply, but my server ( doesn't appear to be streaming when I check on your streaming page. Can anyone help please? Thank you.
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