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About [tcf-boondock]

  • Birthday 01/31/1982

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    Soldier of Fortune II... catch people who spoil the fun.
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    S. Florida

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    The Chosen Few Clan
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. so why don't you tell him where to look? :rolleyes: for the original poster.... if it is your server and you took them with rcon then pb screenshots will go to your ftp in sof2/pb/svss. but i don't think he means pb ss... i think he is talking about regular ss like haxshe said... but who knows.
  2. yeah, i was on there when this happened... one of our guys ran into the smoke, and was like... 'holy shit'.... it could be 2.1a... it could be an unpure server?
  3. HLSW > *
  4. i'm not questioning what you know or don't know... it was a simple example of preference just like the other things you are talking about.
  5. of course they effect playability or else they wouldn't be able to be changed.... they are more of a preference type thing however... i was playing with someone the other day from tcf and they told me they used sensitivity of 3. i checked mine, and it was 5.... well after i changed it to 3, during long range shoot outs, it was certainly easier to keep my crosshair steady. but the fact that i changed it is just preference. i was talking to a player that is in my old clan and he uses a sensitiviy of 13 (!). does that make either of us wrong for using what we do? he is more comfortable with 13 (although he seemed to like 3 for long range) and i'm more comfortable with 3.
  6. according to this page: http://nmsjohndoe.tripod.com/id16.html seta cg_weaponMenuFast "1" // <---Change gund fast, no menu not exactly sure what menu they are referring to though.
  7. hit your use key. (mine is enter, but not sure if that is default or not.) check out this thread.... it is a sticky at the top of this very forum: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5437
  8. i think he showed to you yesterday and in the past that he has true skill. changing cvars around will not make you that good. bring a noob to the game and give him yangs cfg. you think he'd perform that well? i think you and mattimeo should get together with your clans and discuss how things should be because you have a very similar mindset. cvars have a range and players are allowed to change the cvars to their liking within that range. if it was thought to give a player an unfair advantage, that range would be tighter then it is. the only run in with ptp i've ever had was when dba scrimmed you one time on our server. after the match there was talks of hacks, and bs, and if it were on your server it would be much different etc etc. same issue here. if a player is hacking, and all of a sudden, people are saying 'BS', 'your hacking' etc etc, and then up to 4 people are in spec, a 'good' hacker would turn off the damn hack. you need to learn how to catch people if that is what you want to do. teach your guys to quiety go to spectator... take a demo, get it to the people that know what they are talking about. hell you came right out and told yang he was hacking... he then took the time to go to a private server of yours and play more for you. not once did he talk back to your admins at all about the accusations, he just continued to play. is that a sign of a hacker? and he was still banned? no class.... no class.
  9. i don't think so.... nope, i didn't forget you.
  10. i hate to talk for yang, but how can you say he isn't playing for fun? ghost, take a trip to more then ptp servers and see other players out there... have you played against players from m and tcf and atf and other top clans? if you did you would realize that there are players as good and better (*gasp*) then yang is.
  11. i'm a little biased i suppose since Yang and I are both in tcf now, but Ghost man... your players are... i hate to say it... but they are kinda n00bish in the way they play. every time your player said 'BS' or 'no way' or whatever they said, it was obvious where they were.... footsteps are a huge thing. the time you are talking about where he turns the wall near that one flag area.... well he heard footsteps, looked down that hall and you weren't there, so the only place u'd be was in that corner. that place is VERY common for someone to sit. Yang is an experienced player as said above and knows where people will be. but like i said.... i'm biased i suppose.....
  12. watching now, however it'd really help it if was in first person.......
  13. just tried this on one of my servers (empty) and i didn't see a difference. :shrug:
  14. [12.25.2004 19:27:26] 69470155016b129bd84d0f251e5e130f "^_-]RoC[- ^)5urg3on ^_[t]^7" "" "VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002"
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