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Everything posted by QuantumSystems

  1. Hello. It might be a routing or DNS configuration problem over at your game-server provider. If to rely on the error message, it looks like your game-server machine can't resolve the IP address of the MASTER2.EVENBALANCE.COM server.
  2. Thank you to whoever approved my game-servers so quickly. --------------- EDIT: Please disregard everything below. Looks good now. --------------- Check this out: PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #1 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbhub2-1" key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #1 Header Mismatch "pbbhub2-1"@ PunkBuster Server: PB UCON "pbbhub2-1"@ [pb_sv_ver] PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server for BF4 (v1.880 | A1388 C2.327) Enabled pb_sv_plist PunkBuster Server: Player List: [Slot #] [GUID] [Address] [Status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name] PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (0 Players) pb_sv_plist PunkBuster Server: Player List: [Slot #] [GUID] [Address] [Status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name] PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (0 Players) pb_sv_plist PunkBuster Server: Player List: [Slot #] [GUID] [Address] [Status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name] PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (0 Players) PunkBuster Server: Preparing to Disable PB Server... (%HID_THE_PATH%\Instance\pb\) pb_sv_plist This appeared on all game-servers the moment they've picked up the streaming hub. Regards,
  3. Thank you. That indeed works! Just went and placed my game-servers in the approval queue. Edit: Following Crotan's post, I've also performed a manual 'pv_sv_update' and it picked up the v1.880 update. Regards,
  4. Hello. It doesn't seem to work here. My Startup.txt already has 'punkBuster.activate true' Instead of 'vars.punkBuster 1' Running with build 86637 on my game-servers. The moment I restart my game-server and key in 'pb_sv_ver' into my Procon's PunkBuster console, I get this: PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server for BF4 (v1.869 | A1388 C2.327) Enabled Then followed by 1 or 2 lines of: PunkBuster Server: Player List: [slot #] [GUID] [Address] [status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name] Then, after a total of 1-4 minutes of uptime: PunkBuster Server: Preparing to Disable PB Server... (%I_HID_THE_INSTALLATION_PATH_HERE%\Instance\pb\) Regards, //Subscribed to thread.
  5. Thank you very much for the fast response! I know this is all done entirely out of your free time and hard work and I truly appreciate it. I actually wasn't expecting anyone on the IRC to accept my request there and expedite the game-servers approval, but was _very_ happy to see I was still getting served. HSMagnet suggested I come to this sub-forum (gave me the link to right one) and post the details as you've seen them. Again - MANY thanks for your help! Regards, Samuel
  6. Greetings! 1. I've added 5 (five) BF:BC2 game-servers to PBBans, which are currently pending active streaming approval: 2. On your IRC channel, HSMagnet has been kind enough to try and expedite their peding streaming approval. 3. Unfortunately, even though HSMaget has set those game-servers as Active, they aren't streaming. 4. Automated setup has worked flawlessly on all of them, and they're running with the latest Sept 28th MD5 checks. Any help would be appreciated. Kind regards, Samuel //subscribed.
  7. Thanks for the reply! I've just completed another pass of Automatec Streaming Setup: [iNIT] Opening connection ... [MSG] Connection opened [MSG] Remote console driver does not return result. Performing blind setup. [MSG] Creating pbucon.use file ( pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use ) [MSG] Restarting PB ( pb_sv_restart ) [MSG] Waiting 30 seconds for PB to restart [MSG] Setting sessions limit ( pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 ) [MSG] Adding ucon profile for PBBans Hub ( pb_sv_uconadd 1 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx pbbhub1 pbbanshub ) [MSG] Setting pbbans.dat autoupdate ( pb_sv_autoupdban 1 ) [MSG] Adding heartbeat task ( pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver ) [MSG] Saving settings into pbsv.cfg ( pb_sv_writecfg ) [MSG] No error occured during setup. Server should be ready to stream [MSG] Closing connection ... [MSG] Connection closed ..Still not streaming, showing as InActive. I would like to add that the moment I've added the game-server - its status immediately showed as InActive. The rest of our game-servers (Bad Company 2) are streaming just fine. Any ideas? //subscribed.
  8. Dear staff, Could I please trouble an admin to expedite the approval of a pending BF2 game-server? It's the only BF2 game-server currently listed under Team name: Vgames ESL Best regards, Samuel
  9. Again, MANY thanks! Best regards, Samuel
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