Nothing leached because nothing has gotten in. I'm VERY careful at what sites i go to and what i download. And i do computer programming so i know damn well i have not had a virus. I use norton, which no matter what people talk bad about it, it's a good program for those who know how to use it. Not to mention i have 3 others installed and all are running.
I do not have the reinstall disc so i am not going through all that. Like hell i am spending another $40 on this game, because PBBans wants to claim it's in the wild when i admitted to using all the alias on there, and i doubt someone else in the world has used the same names. I have been having isp problems due to some rain and things, but i do not know how come different ip's are showing up. But all the names he show me on that list are mine. So whatever, pbbans wants to be arses about it, i can be one right back at them. Like i said, i know for a fact that code isn't leaked.