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  1. Hello, I just installed Windows 7 64Bit and would like to play Battlefield 1942 again. However, I am unable to due to some issues with punkbuster. The first problem is that with the old un-updated punkbuster files I can play in any service until I kicked because the Punkbuster files timed out trying to update. In order to fix this problem I tried both punkbuster update fixes listed in this forum along with another one I found on google. While, all of them worked it brought me to a new problem. After trying each punkbuster fixed I was completely unable to join any server running punkbuster. As soon as the server would connect I would get kicked because of a "Punkbuster Service Abnormality". I do not know what this error means or how to get around it. The only thing I can do is reload my old un=updated PB folder in the BF folder and then am I able to play again but with an eventual kick because of an update timeout. If anyone could please help me that would be great. PS: Yes, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling BF 1942, Mods, and Punkbuster.
  2. Could someone please give me the Windows 7 64 Bit version of these punkbuster updates? Replacing them with 32 bit one offered gives me the punkbuster error "service abnormality" every time I try to join. Thank you.
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