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Everything posted by PunisherNM

  1. MTU setting are usaully set at a default of 1500 so are you running a great connection and still can't figure out why you lag. All the new games out there are so high powered and cpu/ video consuming are you lagging or do you have packet loss dropping you to desktop. MAKE SURE YOU FIND OUT WHAT YOUR PING SETTING IS FOR YOUR ISP FIRST BEFORE YOU GET INTO THE REGISTRY command prompt / type in /ping www.google.com -f -l 1472 and raise or lower the 1472 to what ever gives you 100% packet trans. http://www.dslreports.com/faq/5793 you will want to use the ppp for your personal comp http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826159 http://help.expedient.com/broadband/mtu_ping_test.shtml also set it up in your wan in your router settings makes a big difference in the packet loss/ sent / recieved
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