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Everything posted by sammydog419

  1. I don't think I'm getting any points though. Where do you find that information, BTW.
  2. OK, apparently I was smoking some crack or something that day. :) Because I just got online with my original name with a new key. I don't really believe it but Mr. Benway up there was right. I am sorry for doubting you.
  3. I swear it banned my new key, cause I always check the registry when I have problems getting online. But your saying if I get a new key, I can log in with my old soldier and have all my stats back, cause that would be totally awesome. I think that my friend bought me the old key off ebay which was probably sold more than once. And Origin keys don't work. They have given me 3 Keys in the past 3 days and they are all invalid for online play. That's why I ended up here asking if my original key's ban could be lifted. I tried the 3 keys thay gave me and all were invalid, I put in the original key and went right on-line only to get kicked for a guid ban. I am almost positive that the key they gave me last January went on-line right away and I got kicked and I just assumed they would ban any key with my associated user name. If they could possibly give a key that actually works I will try it again.
  4. I've never had BF2 on my Windows 7, it's only on my XP partition. When I installed with my new key and I logged in with Sammydog419 they banned the key right away. I tried to create new soldiers and they added them all to the alias list. I think I have to get a new key and make a whole new Master ID. Which is so dumb, especially cause I'm not the one who cheated.
  5. I bought a new key through Origin like 2 months ago and as soon as I tried my old account it banned that key to. So I argued with Origin till they refunded me my money.
  6. I bought a new game a couple months ago and when I logged in with my original user name it banned me instantly. Then when I made new soldiers it banned al them right away.
  7. My key or account was used in like 2007, yes this pretty old. But someone else used my account and used a game hack. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-ac6423e7-vb38808.html That is the ban page, but you can see that some dude in the Dominican Republic named Carlos Jose used the game hack. Most of those names on the list are mine because I didn't know what was happening so I kept changing my name trying to keep playing. I even bought a new game a couple months ago and stupidly tried to use my old account which banned that key. I don't even understand does it ban the key, or does it have something to do with your hardware. I just yesterday bought it again and made a new soldier and it guid banned that one because it is under the same Master ID I assume. So my question is what do I have to do to be able to play this game again? I mean I'm not the one who even cheated they should be able to tell that my ip was not used to hack and I don't live in the Dominican Republic. Is there something I can do to get this ban lifted. I just want to play I don't even care if my soldier gets erased, even though I was like 40 something, which took a really long time. Actually I was just looking again my screen name is Sammydog419, and it says that most of my IP's are from the D.R. I live in ohio, I don't understand what is really happening, but I never cheated and I just want to play again. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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