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  1. Done that, do the screenshots automatically stream/upload to pbbans.com?
  2. Hey, I don't remember any bans due to PunkBuster screenshots back in the day we were streaming to game-violations(ClanBase). Now I find various cases where people do get banned due to screenshots. Could you help me out in the terms of explaining me how PunkBuster screenshots work, Do I have to submit them myself (which I can't due to being lite?) or do they automatically 'stream'/are they automatically uploaded to PBBans.com (pb_sv_autoss 1, this command does not seem to work at all I can't find any screenshots in my /pb/svss folder, only if I reach out to /rcon pb_sv_getss) ALL recent ClanBase bans have been issued by these servers, same team: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-85-114-156-69-28960.html http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-176-57-142-164-28990.html http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-176-57-138-4-28960.html Tag: cb c and a Server Owner: Clanbase C and A My server: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-193-192-58-178-28869.html Tag: CAUTION Description: slovakteam How come no bans have been given by other server owners but http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-accbans-ab6028.html (ClanBase C and A) No other servers with different tags and server owners have caught players by PunkBuster screenshots so what's the deal? Help me out here, Thanks
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