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  1. Nice, then keep up the awesome job :D . You can close/delete this thread now.
  2. I said, not a lot of cheaters at the moment, I also hardly encounter one, I think PB is doing an excellent work so far in BC2, I just tho about sharing this idea. @Everson: I wasn't exactly saying delaying the bans so many days or weeks, but at least ban all the people once a day at the same time (randomizing the times each day, not live bans). Anyway, thanks for the replies. Edit: I understand you are not EB (now), just want to know what you think.
  3. It might make a big impact but you will also catch more people which in the end will benefit more the game. I doubt many people re buy the game after they get banned; there are many cheaters who never get caught because they take precautions and are always up to date with the newest hack or the hack they think is still undetected. In a game like BC2 where there aren't many cheaters atm, I don't think it would make a huge impact to the players. I'd be happier to see that all the hackers got caught, including the ones that try not to. In other words, a lot of cheaters stop playing when they see their hack gets detected and wait for a new one to come out to keep cheating.
  4. Thanks for clearing up. I didn't know it did happen "to some extent" since I basically always see live bans in BC2 for example. What I meant was, letting the cheaters cheat for the day/days and then ban them all at the same time. That way people who try not to get caught by checking the hack status, etc... will get caught.
  5. Ban people at certain time. Keep record/list of people who have been cheating through the day and ban them all at certain time. That way the cheaters who check the forums everyday to see the status of the hack will feel like it's safe to cheat without knowing if they will or will not get banned. You could also randomize the times of this ban wave. What do you think? /Discuss.
  6. Well, that is just awful news. First game that I have played in which video proof isn't accepted...
  7. There is this clan called *whine*, most of them hack and here are some of the videos (These guys play in most leagues): Thanks.
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