Hey guyz,
recently my clan played hsfr in a cup match and well, 3 of their guyz have been caught before so ive been informed, anyways Rempajja is very weird, ive watched these 2 demo's of air1 myself, and its weird, when he has recoil his x-hair goes down quickly to head level, and it isnt no mouse drag, which im sure of, you will see within 5-10 mins of the map he takes out the whole team in something bizarre, on the first demo :)
here they are.
http://www.hybrid-gamers.net/demo0018.dm_2004 << air1 blue
http://www.hybrid-gamers.net/demo0019.dm_2004 << air1 red
I think it maybe choice, by his gameplay, still not sure though..also maybe a wallhack im uncertain of this, as they use teamspeak.