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Everything posted by Evil.Ed

  1. I also periodically check, hence the suggestion. It would certainly make my life easier, as the larger my group grows the longer the checks will take.
  2. As a server admin, I have access to logs that contain the GUIDs of my clan members. I think we server admins could use this information to pro-actively weed out members who have taken to using cheats and have been caught by PB. My suggestion... 1) Create a repository where a server admin can load in the GUIDs of his clan members 2) Have that repository cross referenced against the master ban index (on a daily/weekly basis) 3) Upon a positive match, e-mail the registered e-mail address and notify the server admin of the ban entry 4) The server admin acknowledged the notification and confirms what action has been taken Why is this a good idea? Well part of the criteria to be a member of PBBans is that cheaters are not harboured. What better way to help enforce this than providing members with an automated check and report tool? Just something that occurred to me. VK
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