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About cLAsic

  • Birthday 08/22/1969

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    Los Angeles, California

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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. What are you smoking crack PB sucks they are not the best . They have never worked at low power let alone Full power .
  2. Great another game that will be full of cheaters. Punk Buster could not catch A cold in Alaska during January. There motto is Quality not Quantity. This is the way it translates The Quality for the players that do not cheat will suck because of the LOW Quantity of cheaters that Punk Buster catches. Is really that Hard to catch cheaters ? I mean if they have a kdr over 5.00 maybe you PB should check it out, and if you have a KDR over 10.00 then for sure something is up A red should be seen. I play battle field bad company 2 a game PB sometimes catches a cheater and it is full of them, the game is lil older and they dont care to catch cheaters with older games. What am i talking about they never cared to catch cheaters. Here is an Ex .|dominator| (solders name) advertises for *yoink*. He has been playing since May 4 of 2011 , he has over 100,000 kills in 312hours and his KDR is 20.07 he has been in over 1000 games and there are 1000's of |dominators| just check stats so easy to catch the hard core cheaters they stand out . To much work for PB. Punk Busters Sucks they alway have and always will. They make it almost impossible to turn a cheater in and they are what I would call rude in the way they tell you how. they almost seem angry that you would want to . So much work that the avg person says forget it and that what they want
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