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    Friends, Fun & Fairplay
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Nice one, I've only just started Clan gaming so I wanted to make sure I kept my name clean in case I start competing and to nip anything in the bud. Thanks for your help guys :)
  2. Wow, yes it is. This is the original thread I posted on another forum. EDIT: Saw your update, That's fine, can you please confirm for me that I won't have any trouble if I get a legit key code for cod 4 and I shouldn't have any issues when using Punkbuster with any other games?
  3. Hello, I purchased a game of COD4 from ebay last month when I was feeling nostalgic on a whim as I wanted to play it again. What do you know, it turned out to be a banned copy which I found out about an hour after installing it. I know, I know, stupid decision but I hadn't gamed online in a while and I didn't even consider it might be banned. A friend referred me to your site saying that if I provide my information I may be able to get it revoked as I'm worried my guid is linked to my PC plus my IP address has been logged and I might have trouble when Black Ops comes out? The original ban on the disk/serial was from back in 2008. I can provide links/screenshots of my ebay purchase plus transcripts of communication I've had with the seller and eBay about this, plus a thread I originally posted on another forum when I first discovered the ban. I apologise if this is in the wrong section but is anyone able to help me out or point me in the right direction please? Thanks.
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