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Everything posted by Wawka

  1. Forgive, but it at all the decision of the given problem. What in database MBI there is a nickname of the person and isn't important with what IP, though China (after all take place to be a proxy, whether not so?), already is the direct proof cheating. Very few people will believe in my innocence. And all and everyone I can't give the reference to this post. It simply isn't real.
  2. In a network the software thanks to which malefactors can blacken, spoil reputation of any player in Battlefield 2142 freely extends. Punkbuster it is created for revealing cheaters. I not cheater and my nickname was used illegally! By means of utility BF2/BF2142/NICK/PID Changer. I didn't break game rules and never used cheats or hacks. Has given proofs of my innocence. My nickname shouldn't be in the list cheaters! Therefore I have a just cause to ask removals or renamings of my nickname into list MBI. I perfectly understand that ban stands out on GUID. But there my nickname! A nickname of the person, not privy to it! A situation not standard, but also me understand. My reputation of the fair player will be spoiled. I can't all and to everyone to explain that I not cheater. If my nickname is available in a database pbbans.com I don't think that to you will make difficulties simply to rename my nickname into a nickname of the one who has made it - in DEN1980.
  3. I shouldn't pay off for another's errors and defects. Especially reputation. I don't ask unban it cheater, I only ask to clean or at least to change my nickname in MBI! Which was illegally used and now on the main page MBI! At least to rename from Wawka. RUS in DEN1980!
  4. I know, but this cheater (DEN1980) as it was now found out, have changed the nickname for mine (Wawka. RUS) using program BF2142 NICK PID Changer. And my reputation has suffered from it. I can't prove to all that I not cheater, having "ban" in MBI. Wawka. RUS - my unique game nickname under which I always play. Please remove my nickname from MBI. For it already is available ban on pbbans.com and all know that it cheater. Having removed one record will change of nothing, and differently reputation washing will suffer. The person who always played fair. Understand me and understand my position. At me it is a lot of friends, both from Europe, and from Russia with which we together play. And having seen my nickname in the list cheaters, all will be assured that I cheater and the swindler. Again I am sorry for my English
  5. Hi. Sorry for my English I have casually seen yesterday myself in list MBI http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-a4210fa1-vb190270.html My game nick - Wawka.RUS My page: http://battlefield.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/PlayerSummary.aspx?Lang=&PID=258605804 My IP - (static) I from Russia, Kazan. I ask to understand a situation and to remove my nickname from list MBI. It dishonors my reputation of the fair player. I have all proofs that my nickname was used by player DEN1980 (PID: 274493305). Not from my account! Look. "Mine" ban: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-a4210fa1-vb190270.html And it: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-0cec378d-vb187374.html Identical IP, one provider. (Kazakhstan) Even cheats are identical! Here still: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-e6c8fdec-vb185942.html And the most important thing: http://ipicture.ru/Gallery/Viewfull/1293197.html It is known that the nickname has PID: 100001065 8 minutes, on card Suez Canal are played on it. http://battlefield.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/PlayerDetails_Maps.aspx?Lang=us&SrchName=&PID=100001065&Profiles= It is ready to give the necessary information for the decision of this problem. Please understand a situation and remove my game nickname from list MBI!
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