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Everything posted by diggyyyy

  1. Thank you both ;)
  2. Remote location is the other than my Ip. My Ip to the game server is The Apache remote location is So my guess would be the web addy for the apache remote location along with that Ip? Like this: http://control.artofwarcentral.com/Templates/Default/service_home.aspx?serviceid=TC35510516510543552643575&svc_short_desc=Apache+12+Slots&back=%2fTemplates%2fDefault%2fservices.aspx Sorry but still new to this :)
  3. Please that would be great Airborne. :) Also pb_sv_SsPath "pb/svss/" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] is where I put my game Ip of where my designated screen shots will be saved? Thanks
  4. Hey I do not have a pbsvuser.cfg file but I have a pbsv.cfg file. can I copy and paste in their and just add my server info after that?
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