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  1. I had all these options on: Enforce Bans, Accept PB Bans and Accept MD5 Bans Iwe read someplace that its not a good idea. So now im only Enforcing bans. Thanks for fast replies.
  2. Hello Yesterday me and my clan mate came across a cheater on our server and had to ban him manually. My clan mate says "Well hes not on PBBANS" after checking master ban index, well ofcourse hes not, I said, because then he would never been on our server. He disagreed and we dscussed back and forth how the banning works with pbbans and I got very unsure. My clan mate said that the bans had to be in our ban list, but theres almost none there and we have seen from live feed people getting banned all the time, so in that case the list should be pretty long. Also we cant have every person ever banned in our ban list. Does the server check if the player is banned in the master pbbans ban list while someone joins? And if hes not in the master ban index the cheater isnt cought yet by pbbans right? -Catchy
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