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  1. s1ky


    Nope no cheats on my PC. Purpose of me playing on punkbuster is it stay away from cheats isn't it :D?
  2. s1ky


    frozer started saying that I am a cheater not taking that shit. im here to get advise not be called a cheater and saying my isp is crap it's not.
  3. s1ky


    it's not even me, the screenie I got is from a private hack website. Yea they have a thread section where you can post your ownage kills using the bot and atm it's undetected. only takes the coder about 20hours to make it undetected. shame on you punkbuster. and for the isp, did you read??? I dont live in a town I live in the countryside. So therefore I canno't get fiber optic. I thought that saying I don't live in the town would be enough but obviously not.
  4. s1ky


    My ISp is the best I can get in my country. If i lived in a town then I would consider getting fiber optic, I think games like call of duty 4 and so on require fiber optic. There is alot of data beign transfered you can see why. p.s PunkBuster really is crap because it only stops "free" public hacks. There are tons of punkbuster methods for bypassing it. There are still people using these private hacks in game. EG of punkbuster failling, *snip* No need to give them free advertising :)
  5. s1ky


    just installed o/s has nothing running in background only ati drivers and sound all updated as well.I have no anti-virus nor microsoft updates comming in all disabled and no no anti virus on my pc.
  6. s1ky


    on 32bit operatign system and i got punkBuster lagg nad ping loss.. any advise?
  7. alrighty i think ive got things going now, really its hard going all though the list to find a server with people in.
  8. One favour again could you check this server out? I think I might play on this regulrly but before i do i want to know if its secured ip:
  9. okay ty very much ok will do. I will use the list i was given and play on them servers. ty again
  10. can you tell me if this server has md5 chexker and other things on it. I know it has punkbuster on it I was just playing on it and there was an aimbotter. IP:
  11. the first one i got access too, 2nd one I dont have access too.
  12. so it has to be the ingame recorder if you want it to get submiteed to this site here? Are you able to give me some IP's of secured servers that I can play on in cod4 that have all kinds of anti cheats on it like the full package if ur getting me?
  13. I am still finding aimboters on punkbuster servers, even with md5 and all that stuff running. I decided that if I come across a cheater I mean a obvous one who is getting like 200 headshots and aimming reall fast. Can I record this and where can I send this too?, I would also include a pb_plist in the 30 second video.
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