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Everything posted by AndyDiGi

  1. I just wanted to start a thread where everyone could be wished a very happy new year and here's to 2014! Lets hope it's another great year of busting the punks of the multiplayer world! So HAPPY NEW YEAR to the staff of PBBANS and to everyone who frequents the site! Our very Best Wishes from the guys at Frag Radio & 1000fraggers
  2. Now this brings back memories..... Thanks MaydaX for the share as I aint got the patience to look at Origin!
  3. Well its 6 months on from my initial post and the site is growing at a fantastic rate! If you haven't visited for a while or even never visited then I urge you to take a look. We have made many changes since April including a lot of custom coding. We are seeing nearly 4 million hits on a monthly basis and with over 1300 members, 172 clans, 8632 friendships created we are the best social networking site purely for Gamers!!!! I have now implemented my other venture, Frag Radio, onto the site so whilst chatting with friends etc. you can listen to the UK's ONLY fully licensed webradio station for Gamers! Andy DiGi aka digitalhunteruk
  4. Enjoying Frag Radio's tunes

  5. Gotta say I'm lovin the new theme! So sleek and clean. Massive thumbs up from me and good job on the revamp
  6. Hi all! If you have a spare moment then why not pay us a visit! 1000fraggers
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