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Everything posted by SwA008

  1. ik dont want to make sfinks look bad dude :s sjeezes he's my friend but okay delete this topic then
  2. sfinks knows it wasnt me but ye you guys dont believe me and sfinks knows i am innoncent :(:( ow cmon dude i swear it aint me
  3. i have new key and guid but peeps keep on bugging me with this pbban it freaks me out and i am not on mybumleaks i just been removed since i proved it wasnt me but still on this pbban stuff :s pff dont care jsut leave it man f*ckin whinesh*t :mad:
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viewtopic.php...p?p=15127#15127 its goin about this ban i know its a while ago but i never realised it was on here i am SwA008 ye but i didnt hack :? i had a cracked cd key and i borrowed the key from my m8 and played with it in the vacation my m8 had to stay a whole week at my place cuz his parents were on a trip and my girlfriend came to me and i went upstairs with her my m8 was playing and he sucked i heard him yelling and he probably downloaded a hack and he got banned you caught him i hope you believe me i have a person (an admin on pbbans.com) (email addy removed by Depetris) that can say its true he knows me pretty well and he knows it wasnt me plz unban me you can ask him for info but i swear it aint me :( its just my whining friend :roll: now i have a good key and guid i even got myself off mybumleaks i caught the person that stole my guid ask sfinks he got a screenshot
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