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  1. thanks
  2. how would I notiice in the mbi if the accused shows up wot would it look like/say sorry for being a pain
  3. thanks for help /close ps how do you know if your vid has been submitted or not?
  4. not sure what your saying but i did record in game using /record I also did in video /pb_plist or pblist. So will this be enough?
  5. i have a vid since admin wont accept me am i able to pass it on to you since the server is streaming pbb
  6. yea its annoying
  7. No named brothers
  8. I played on a streaming server in cod4, had great fun however it has come to the tiem I wanted to sign up onto their website, I registered conirmed I am older than 13 years of age and now says its pending for admin to accept me. it's been about 2 weeks and I have made 2 accounts and it's been ignored? I wanted to send them a video of a cheater using wallhack in game... server ip is:
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