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  1. So you want to tell me that a €60,- game is now useless because somebody used a generator that luckily for him produced my key? I have the original, reciept, creditcard details and everything. I do not live in Germany. Can I not contact Activision to get a new key? By the way, my computer is and has been clean all the time. I check weekly (IT specialist)
  2. Hello gamers, Yesterday I reinstalled COD4 as the DVD box has been laying on my desk for ages. I bought the game in 2008 original from a shop and have the reciept and original DVD cover and key etc. I noticed after updating PB and the game i was still getting kicked off, which was very weird. I then came to the conclusion that my PB GUID has been banned from serveral servers, wondering how i started a search which led me to this link. PBBans Ban Link: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-2e9453ef-vb169310.html EDIT: I do not even live in Germany, I live in the Netherlansd and the game is purchased in the Netherlands! Could someone tell me how another player could have gotten the same GUID as me? Is the GUID based on the CD key? What should i do? I wish to play the game like it was payed for. Thanks, Adam
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