I remember when multiplayer games were all about the gameplay, but you're right. Its all about the money and stupid ranks. Its a breeding ground for cheaters too. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the game makers are part of the problem, they are cashing in on the cheat market, what i mean is, they are the ones allowing cheats, maybe even making and selling them.
But there is no point trying to change it, we are but a minority. All you can do is vote with you're wallet.
People may say that I am paranoid, but consider this, practically every multiplayer FPS game has a cheat available, but is there a cheat available to get free games from EA store, or steam?
The answer is no, because they protect themselves and their cashflow, but not us honest gamers
Vote with you're wallet instead of moaning (I dont mean that in a nasty way, god knows ive moaned and moaned)
You only have to look at the EA forums, thousands of players moaning about this and that, and never once do you see an official statement from the companies that have pocketed you're cash.
For us honest gamers, yep you're right 100%, PC multiplayer gaming died many years ago. The sociopathic gamer is the new cashcow....