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  1. thats the thing our server is streaming. Ill tell the admins to keep him banned hopefully you guys caught him down the road.
  2. I had a guy on my server admitting he was testing a hack. We have taken screenshots of this if there is someone to send these pictures please let me know.
  3. Well I didnt realise how much work load you all have at the moment. As a unemployed gamer I would love to help out, so maybe its time to throw up the "hiring" sign. If anyone complains then tell them to suck it or leave. It shouldnt be a choice, maybe have the option of what you want to have streaming (pbbans,ggc) but the point is you have something streaming.
  4. I would like pbbans to be able to take over a server if needed. EA needs to demand server providers to stream pbbans because hacks are still being made and people are going on unprotected servers and getting points. A server should already be set up with pbbans when purchased so the owner has no option to go with or without. That is my opinion, I know something like this wont happen but one can dream.
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