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  1. I don't have new key ,i bought second key , and enter this in my old account, and.. im still banned. I dont want to spent next 120 zl for key , this is much money.
  2. I think that I can not make a new account, I had to buy a key again, because this is already being used in the old account .. Thank you for your good intentions;). I'll fight with evenballance, as they will not do anything in that direction, i will never buy a game that is punkbuster. I entered the new key to my old account, because I did not want to win everything from the beginning, I thought that I have a ban on the key. It was clear to me that as you type a new, original key, I could play .. But it is different. Really, I wish no one "closer to" a meeting with evenballance. If only they said, which imposed the ban, as the key, it will still have it, after I entered a new ..
  3. I got a reply from evenballance, sent me a typical message. Honestly? I'm tired of this situation, evenballance got me in the ass, not interested in the fact that I spent hard earned money on a second key to play normally. Resigned that there Unban my old key, but this time they did not give them peace. Really frustrates me is that the bot gets the answer, I do not know at all, if anyone reads my application. This is how they treat the customer, calling for vengeance. Strange, because I got the ban after the new patch, I never had any problems with PunkBuster, then suddenly gets a global ban immediately. Their system had to make a mistake. If I had seen, although some effort on their part, to deal with my case, but no, they will send me a generic message as soon as possible to get rid of me. I have to prove it, if you do not have any evidence for this, I demand this to my account restored to its previous state. If anyone has any idea what I can do in this situation, let them write in this thread. This system really is so primitive that only write off the bot?
  4. On EA Side im clear. My soldiers is not banned, they always send me to evenballance ,because they give me ban. I think somebody make mistake. I think eb answer my question today This is my "conversation" with evenballance
  5. This is new legit cdkey ,from EA STORE. Consultant on EA Live Chat support enter new key to my account ,but i always have info with guid ban. Even Ballance must unban my account ,because i dont cheating.This is not fair. On pbbans list was GLOBAL BANS?
  6. Hello. Ill be Global Banned , i know , i must contact evenballance ,but they always send to me messeges with automatic sender ;(. I buy new cdkey , and i have same info what i have on old key .. ;( I bought new cdkey for 120 zł , its much money in poland. Somebody in evenballance writing text manual or always with bot? GUID BAN its ban on cdkey , mac adress and... ? Thanks for help . P.S Sorry for my english :)
  7. Hi. I have banned for free in Battlefield Bad Company 2. This ban is GLOBAL BAN. I dont know why i recieve this ban ,i always game fair play . I wasn't on Pbbans list , im clear. You should look here http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/5/97018466.png. This is communicate in my game Please , help me. This is not fair,
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