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Everything posted by Zeko

  1. Hi. Today I was playing one CoD2 public server and after 15 minutes, Punkbuster kicked me with reason: Disallowed program / driver 7* *** (I can't remember whole number and I forgot to take screenshot because I was very confused). I was searching on Google and I found this: #50000s - Aimbot #60000s - Wallhack #70000s - Multihack #80000s - Gamehack #90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers #100000s - Speedhack #110000s - Autofire #120000s - Game Hook #130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack I've never used some helpfull tools like cheats and scripts and any other things like that. So, my question is: "Are all Disallowed Programs / Drivers with number ~70 000 Multihack, because I don't want to screw up my CD-Key on Game-Violations and Pb-Bans if I'm not cheating."
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