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  1. Ty for that info, the problem now lies with the paid hackers getting updates and server admins that hack I know of one that does. I know its hard to stop them but not impossible. I have already posted on him and his server I don't know if I should have but he refused to kick the obvious hacker then his score jumps up 27-3 and I being shot from across the map thru buildings from the adim as I spawn. So sometimes admins are not the best people in the world. Hopefully PB will get them back with some new gen anti hack software in the future. Thank you for your time to answer my question.
  2. I was in a server tonight with my friend and the admin of the server * was hacking on a PB server. The server name is *. I have 3 other people that were in the server also around 1:50 AM 12/28/2010. Contact me for further info.
  3. I have video of hackers and it is very obvious that there are a lot of them. The hacks are paid for monthly and updated right along with punk buster. My question is EA or Punk Buster gonna stop these guys or is the game just ruined because they leave it up to server admins that couldn't tell a hacker from a legit player if it smacked them in the face. Come on not all hackers are dumb enough to have a very high score niether, some are smart about it. Please tell me someone has something better then Punk Buster in the works. We all know you need the files from the cheat to update it in the data base so do the hackers. Now they update right along with Punk Buster so does Even Balance have a way to stop that or have the evil programmers won this battle over the good.
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