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    Che Copete Squad
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Is not so easy to reach and change the IP of a public server, the players are used to enter at this IP, and a change of this would cause a loss of players. Why does the server in the MPI? any clue?
  2. Ok, thanks Magnet, waiting for an admin.
  3. and what can i do?
  4. I already did, no problem with that, but when I try to add it to my servers I keep going as blacklisted. The server still doesnt stream to pbbans.
  5. Hey guys, I'm the main admin of the Chilean Bf2 Public Server. A couple of weeks ago, the data center that houses the machine had a problem and the server was down for a couple of days, when he returned, the server no longer stream to pbbans was doing and did not come out in the list of servers in my account . When trying to enter it again I get this as blacklisted. What could it be? Ip: port: 16567 P.S.: the server is streaming to psb without problems Greetings.
  6. The following errors were found Your server IP is on our MPi. It will not be accepted for streaming (Terms of Service) Go Back :(
  7. Everson, any progress on the topic? Happy New Year!
  8. The IP stands for "Arkavia Networks", a network engineering company that provides us with a continuous link 24 / 7, also rent bf2 servers in my country.
  9. Yes, meets all requirements.
  11. Thx mastermc0. Any Staff out there??
  12. Hi, I'm an admin for a new BF2 public server, and trying to stream the server to Pbbans, the application page give me this message: "Your server IP is on our MPi. It will not be accepted for streaming" I had an old account in this page "cHXCk" but is deactivate, so i cant sign the server in my account. The New Bf2 server is currently streaming at Punksbusted and i would like that strams to pbbans too. Thx.
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