ok i lied i am going to touch this one .
Ok please tell me how it is possible to fake alog that is written by punkbuster , and then is streamed in realtime to our repository .
there is now way a server admin could alter this data .
Fact 1 . Your friend/buddy/pal , had and probably still has that cvar in his config
Fact 2 . That cvar is a 100% proven cheat cvar .
so therefore ...
Fact 3 . Your friend/buddy/pal , was playing with a cheat cvar and therefore is banned.
do you know how many times we get people saying " i dont cheat it wasnt me it was my dog who played with it . "
if we cleared everybody who claims to have not cheated there wouldnt be a single ban.
i have yet to see a publicly denounced cheater whos stroy didnt follow this pattern.
...... " it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat ".......... later followed by ......... " ok i did do it ....i just wanted to try it to see why these other cheaters are so good. " ....................followed by ........." im sry i cheated please forgive me i'll never do it again ."
a week later ...................BUSTED with a new cheat .
we dont ban cheaters , that would be impossible we we have to have a guy sitting behind every player playing the game , and cheacking his screen for cheats .
we ban guids , based on aquired evidence of cheating .
we also listen to appeals and if there is sufficient cause for doubt bans are lifted .
Your friend/buddy/pal , offers no cause for doubt and the way you flame to try to get your point across just convinces me more that i wouldnt take your ." it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat "...word for it