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  1. i think you'll find that its not your pc thats not re-freshing the list but the master servers its self not responding .
  2. haha , mine to .... got so use to answer newbie questions lol
  3. the frequency for your game sound , its in teh main menu can be set via teh menu at 22 or 44 khz
  4. and with all the dictionary BS and you being such a smart ass , wtf you doing asking us questions just to tell us were wrong ....go figure the gd stuff out for yah self then...... and for the last fin time those cvars DO NOTHING in terms of cheating ..... ! they change how fast the keyboard movement keys turn your players veiw ........ ! so unless you play all keys and no mouse .......you didnt notice any fin difference .
  5. as default when you press a change wepaon key ......there is a little list of your weapons that pop up on the left side. inorder to select a weaon with this list up you need to hit your weapon key again with weaponmenu set to 1 . no little list pops up after you press your weapon key once your gun changes. what settings , all his cvars are game standard and do absoluely nothing ... most of the staff have replied here telling you think his demo is pretty clean.. plz dont turn this disscusion thread into a flame thread..... !
  6. yes he could haven known he was there , you can clearly hear footsteps and he turns back to get him ...... just look how this guy moves ....hes a very very experinecd player. sometimes i do get a sense of a wallhack , but its not 100% clear. and having 50.0000001 is perfectly allowed , i know lots of league players with that exact setting.
  7. no cheat dection system built yet actually detects cheats ....... its not possible. all they do is look and find eveidence of cheats ... thus they issue a ban for it. the gamehook bans result for a player been found with evidence of a possible cheat over a quiet large period of time. its not impossible for a gamehook violation to be flase it is still highly unlikely. all i would recommend is get the player involved actually involved with getting him self cleared . i know i dont ( and imagin evenbalance dont either ) respond well to clan members ,delling with another clan members claim , if hes really concernd about getting cleared and has nothing to hide , its way way more authentic if the player does it himself. another helpful suggestion......... if your trying to convince a group of people that you(or your friend ) isnt guilty of what they are charged for , its isnt advised to start getting angry .....and posting lots of ! @ #$! , no matter how valid your point it is instantly dismissed because of the way its written. after all if the only evidence you have is your word .....you sure better come across as a guy who people can trust his word.
  8. how can they be verified if not as the original PNG ?
  9. yeah but you have to give us the cheat related material , just telling us you were kicked could be for anything.
  10. whats this got to do with us ?
  11. ok i lied i am going to touch this one . Ok please tell me how it is possible to fake alog that is written by punkbuster , and then is streamed in realtime to our repository . there is now way a server admin could alter this data . Fact 1 . Your friend/buddy/pal , had and probably still has that cvar in his config Fact 2 . That cvar is a 100% proven cheat cvar . so therefore ... Fact 3 . Your friend/buddy/pal , was playing with a cheat cvar and therefore is banned. do you know how many times we get people saying " i dont cheat it wasnt me it was my dog who played with it . " if we cleared everybody who claims to have not cheated there wouldnt be a single ban. i have yet to see a publicly denounced cheater whos stroy didnt follow this pattern. ...... " it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat ".......... later followed by ......... " ok i did do it ....i just wanted to try it to see why these other cheaters are so good. " ....................followed by ........." im sry i cheated please forgive me i'll never do it again ." a week later ...................BUSTED with a new cheat . we dont ban cheaters , that would be impossible we we have to have a guy sitting behind every player playing the game , and cheacking his screen for cheats . we ban guids , based on aquired evidence of cheating . we also listen to appeals and if there is sufficient cause for doubt bans are lifted . Your friend/buddy/pal , offers no cause for doubt and the way you flame to try to get your point across just convinces me more that i wouldnt take your ." it wasnt me , i never cheat i dont even know how to cheat "...word for it
  12. im not gonna even touch this one , its nuts .
  13. ok one question ? how did you get there whole config ? i mean gettign cvar values is one thing but the whole config ? and also bind F12 "name Pony|FragRadio" this is CF pony who does shoutcast's on frag radio , he mostly has this config set up to help him when spectating a match .
  14. you guys do know how hard it is to come back from the dark side right .
  15. the timenudge limits are a defualt punkbuster restriction , you shouldnt have to change anything .
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