but wot if my server has banned for only linked. ???
is there a guid to reading the results, like action to be taken list ?
Anything that may guide me. I dont wanna kick people for being linked, but feel like i should ....i dont want hackers in my clan.
Please would someone explain if a player has a linked GUID, but that players does not even have the game. What would that mean.
Also if a player is showing a linked GUID and it says they was banned from PBbans for multi hack ...is this 100% that they did hack
Cheers bud, but i went there and there is only a link to update my forum info. No actual app.
I have done the auto setup to stream too. but when i check to see if my server is streaming. it say no. llol.. Computer Says No lol
it tells you everywhere on here how to fill out application, but can i find an actual application. I have registered and completed the automated streaming setup.
Then .....nothing !! way to confusing tbh..
anyone help