I apologize about my team mate caps etc , the problem is that op1op1 not involved in this video game, maybe he is bussy and I understand that, i hope you help me giving me the team master status for making the pbhub in our servers
(Thank you oneday for registering with PBBans.
Please allow 24-48 hours for you account to be processed.
A forum post with your info has been posted here.
Keep checking that post for updated info on the process of your account application)
Your application has been denied for the following reason(s)
Buffnuggles said:
You guys all ready have a streaming account.
Contact op1op1 to add you and the server to it.
---------- Account Information ----------
Team: Full Metal Jacket (*FMJ*)
Account ID: 3443
Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0)
---------- Server List ----------
---------- User List ----------
op1op1 (120582)
If you have any problems, contact a staff member.
thank you very much