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Everything posted by s7riktlyxd4nk

  1. Just the other day my communitys server stopped streaming. I tried using the automated hub set-up and it connects and says everything went fine but my server still lists as "inactive" and says the last time it streamed was almost 2 days ago. I have all the config files for PB installed on my server including ucon and cfg. Ucon lists a whole bunch of files that i think PBBans installed when i did the automated hub but it is still considered "inactive" when it comes to streaming! What is going on? is this happening to anyone else?
  2. Just the other day my communitys server stopped streaming. I tried using the automated hub set-up and it connects and says everything went fine but my server still lists as "inactive" and says the last time it streamed was almost 2 days ago. I have all the config files for PB installed on my server including ucon and cfg. Ucon lists a whole bunch of files that i think PBBans installed when i did the automated hub but it is still considered "inactive" when it comes to streaming! What is going on? is this happening to anyone else?
  3. Just the other day my communitys server stopped streaming. I tried using the automated hub set-up and it connects and says everything went fine but my server still lists as "inactive" and says the last time it streamed was almost 2 days ago. I have all the config files for PB installed on my server including ucon and cfg. Ucon lists a whole bunch of files that i think PBBans installed when i did the automated hub but it is still considered "inactive" when it comes to streaming! What is going on? is this happening to anyone else?
  4. I have my server IP on our team profile and also have used the automated PBBans hub to set up my server to stream. My application was accepted today but my profile/team is not streaming still...the notice on my account management is saying "Team not streaming" and when I search my teams server IP on the streaming tool it says "server is currently not streaming" Why is my server not streaming even though I have used the automated Hub to set it up and my application has been accepted? I used my Admin port from Clanforge (which is 19577)...it varys from alot of the posts in this forum saying that the Rcon port is 48888 am i doing something wrong?
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