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  1. Forgive a dumb beta-field noob for asking but I assumed that I used that guid to log on to BF2 at a netcafe and thats how I ended up on the alias list, not that someone else used my name. Am i wrong then in thinking that, has someone actually used my tag to play? Are ALL the tags on that alias list guilty of hacking, or have they just had the misfortune to use that guid? GUID is the actual product key of the actual copy of the game yes? PS: I just read the translation of benways link to the german chap confusing accounts with guids, I see that BF2 server admins doing a name search are foolish to assume that finding a name in an alias list means they are also hacks as the names are not secure in BF2. Thanks for that, I feel this is something PB should make VERY VERY clear to their clients which would put an end to many players problem. In fact I support benways proposal to do away with the MPi alias list ALTOGETHER as it actually means nothing.
  2. "btw the link you provided for the EB TT is invalid " -ah thats because they closed the ticket. Well I think this is unfair and could pose a real problem especially with the newer BF versions that are coming out. If someone has just once played at an internet cafe that subsequently gets used by a hacker then they are seen as PB dirty. If person A plays on Freind 1's comp and freind 1 sells the game to someone who hacks and gets a global ban, then they are seen as PB dirty. If you like to play on different servers you'll suddenly find yourself banned with no recourse. For me its OK I'm in a clan and only play on their server and I've shown them that even though I'm on alias list for a hacking guid my current guid is clean and I'm not associated with the 63+ ppl who happened to have played BF2 at that netcafe. Is there anyone that can look at this problem, is there any chance of "manipulating" these alias lists for proven clean players?
  3. OK just one more thing for complete closure for me :) .and again I thank you all for the help but- I asked even balance to simply remove my TAG from the aliases associated with the banned guid but they say its down to you guys- refer ticket link My link So how do I get my name ([omo]wobblyboot) off the banned guid alias list? this is the page here - PBBans MBi Again this is not my current guid, which is clean, but one from a Netcafe in sydney I played at a couple of times years ago.
  4. What a nice surprise in my email inbox I woke up to this morning! "I've examined the thread at PBBans and you look good....Keep your nose clean, and welcome back!" -clan admin. So there is justice even in the cyberworld lol. Thankyou all who assisted me here and a special thanks to Benway the time you spent answering my questions cleared my name and taught me a LOT about what to do/not do in regards to Punkbuster. So word of advice to people out there- dont play at net cafes, it only takes one person to hack on the same comp/server and your tag can be linked to them and PB searches will come up with you as dirty.
  5. OK I finally did it! Amazing how easy things are when my brains working-- So my guid is clean, i guess i just add this to my EB ticket and ask em real nice if they'd take my name off the list that's under the banned guid.
  6. ok I really thought i had everything right I got the config file in the pb root folder but everytime I log into a server its just not creating a pbcl.log file... mebbe my anti virus being to good or something, I really value all the help I'm getting but I'm exhausted now lol, I will try again after some sleep but fact is 8ebf0c79 is my guid not b33904df8ee0af3e317f05afd2ddcac1 -that one is a guid from net cafe I played in years ago. But i need get that pbcl file working to prove it :) Thankyou all again for your help B)
  7. From my original post- "(I bought my copy of BF2 last year- brand new from electronics boutique, before then I only played on friends comps or at net cafe's)' SO i GUESS THE ONE THATS MY NAME ONLY IS THE ONE THAT i'M USING NOW, AT HOME BY MYSELF and its clean you say?... SO WHY AM i STILL LINKED TO THE BANNED ONE? Its a really good find tho thankyou, shame I cldnt get back to you quicker but I was live chatting with EA to find some way to prove that my guid is clean and that CDkey is mine.(was like pulling teeth).. but what if thats not my current GUID anyway? But I realised (because I bought BF2 complete collection) that I hadnt registered the key for BF2 standard only BF2SF, when I tried to register the key for BF2 standard it said, :"product key is already in use" and EA only shows BF2SF as registered with my EA account.... IS THERE A WAY I CAN CHECK THAT THE cd KEY FOR MY GAME corresponds TO THE BANNED guid? oh sorry benway didnt see ur reply till I finished replying, I'll check it out now. Ok I get that your saying my guid is infact not the banned one, I guess I appear on the banned list because I've played from the same computer as Myst\fyu which is probably an internet cafe in Sydney, so if I'm asking anything of PB it should be to take me off those old guids that are pre -november 10th. So have I got this right- to test my guid I go into any PB managed server and type "PB Server assigned guid = <guid>" in the command line? ok i read instructions better lol.. i go back and look in config file
  8. cheers yeah I will and yep its [omo]wobblyboot thats been linked to the hack, its bizarre to think I'm the only legit owner of a CD key being used by 63 people, I guess that's my best evidence as i registered it with EA the same day I bought it. I wonder; if any of the other 63 registered thier game by that key then EA would have just said "Invalid Key" when I did?
  9. I appreciate that you wanna earn some Kudos by showing me up as a hacker to the forums but you got the wrong end of the stick, however I'm grateful for the reply and pointing out to me that there is a still live account that someone has managed to access,I assumed it would be deleted as inactive, but if it turns out it was the one I started I'll have EA delete it, it was still rank private when I lost access to it now its gunnery sgt. Nothing by PBBans can be done to help you. You will have to raise a ticket with EvenBalance who own the anti-cheat programme, Punkbuster. Only they will be able to unban you. That said I doubt they will, as it's your GUID and you are responsible for it. Gather as much evidence to show your innocence and present it to Evenbalance using their support ticket which can be found here Mugen Yeah, I know, I could have made that clearer... first line should read>> "Hi there, read some pretty useful advice in this forum, maybe you can help me (I'm so confused) while I wait for my appeal result from Evenbalance." and "it's your GUID and you are responsible for it"" yes which is the question I'm basicly asking -"How the hell does someone else get my GUID let alone 63 people?"- no ones been anywhere near the BF2 gamecase. Again, I'm happy you replied but I'd be downright apoplectic with joy if someone can answer any of my actual questions or give me any advice.
  10. Hi there, read some pretty useful advice in this forum, maybe you can help me (I'm so confused) while I wait for my appeal. Heres link to my errant ban- http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-d2ddcac1-vb203858.html I've been playing BF2 since 2005 with a few years off it, I have NEVER changed my name or used an alias, i wouldnt know the first step to making an alias! I have never used hax and been pretty much PB clean cept for one ban for stats padding, which was weird cos thats ALL that clan did was stat pad on their server -hours of sitting in jets and wrenching upside-down boats on a PB server???... but thats by the by. (stats padding is BAD mmm'kay?) So on the 20th of jan some ARSEHAT going by the name of Myst|fyu uses a hack under MY CD Key (GUID). So... i try to work out how this has happened was my account hacked? No evidence of that that I could find. So maybe he just has same guid as me so i look up the MPI link - http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=b33904df8ee0af3e317f05afd2ddcac1&game_id=13&showLG=no&showAT=no&safeview=no and there is 63! different names listed under my guid. 1. Are all these guys using my CDKEY? 2.Is it possible for key generators to come up with MY CD Key by chance? 63 times? (I bought my copy of BF2 last year- brand new from electronics boutique, before then I only played on friends comps or at net cafe's) Anyway assuming the answer to those 2 questions is yes, I'm thinking I'm saved! all I have to do is prove that my IP address is different to the hacks. :) But... this is my actual IP address and this my IP according to the PBBans - 119.225.96.* Also no IP address appears next to Myst|fyu's name so I cant tell. Theres no chance someone has used my comp, logged in and created an alias, i have my own room and was home at my comp at the time of the breach. 3. Why is the IP listed wrong? 4. would differing IP's be proof enough. 5. Would it help if I provided proof of purchase of my brand new sealed copy of BF2 to PB in my appeal? I would REALLY appreciate anyones help here, I'm innocent of using either an alias or a hack in BF2 EVER, so there has to be a way. A really good clan I just joined has had to ban me from their server or PB will withdraw their streaming shield, and many servers I play on kick or ban me now because I'm PB dirty. Meanwhile whoever Myst|fyu is -your the real criminal here and I hope they catch you. I'm willing to give PB access to my email and EA accounts even give them remote access to my comp- THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO PROVE IT ISN'T ME!!! pls help.
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