hello from Greece. First of all my english is soooooo bad.. Im banned from many servers and i dont know why. I have send the problem in www.evenbalance.com and this is the answer.. What can i do? If is someone who can speak Greek he is going to save me. Otherwise the google translator is going to do the job 02/20/2011 14:43:18 - "madmellogr" Note #8: thank you so much for your time, your team is perfect! friendly Kostas from Greece 02/20/2011 14:19:28 - "Adam D" Note #7: The kick message says you are banned at pbbans.com, you should talk to them. 02/14/2011 13:54:38 - "madmellogr" Note #6: Ok i have check all those sites and im not banned from anyone.. what else can i do?? plz help me.. 02/13/2011 11:35:21 - "Adam D" Note #5: This is a local ban from that server. You need to contact the server admin to find out why you have been banned, and if that admin's server is part of a master ban list, who runs it. Several large Master Ban Lists are frequently used by server admins. The main ones are: PBBans http://www.pbbans.com/ Appeal: http://www.pbbans.com/appeal_ban.php Punksbusted http://www.punksbusted.com Look up your ban: http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/membership/rpi.cgi?_accCheck=1 Appeal: http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=125 An Appeal-Link will be shown in the output of your search. 02/09/2011 09:27:59 - "madmellogr" Note #4: punkbuster kicked player "madmelloGR" ?(for 60n minutes) pbbanshub. Enforced a prior ban on GUID 8fcf3f6fbdaafcd3d6b48f5c41bc7973 Visit pbbans.com for details. (admin decision) They dont kick/ban me from all servers that im join, but of the most of them.. Txn.. 02/08/2011 12:57:31 - "madmellogr" Note #3: ok i will do it. saying the GUID you mean the serial ha? All the serial? 02/08/2011 12:12:31 - "Adam D" Note #2: Please join a Punk Buster enabled server and get kicked. After getting kicked, send me the exact word for word kick message that you receive. In addition, please include your GUID and playername. 02/07/2011 13:01:45 - "madmellogr" Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff. Ticket Information Ticket Number: EB9152000543755 Ticket Password: b0a8b212385afa3c9842a74a6e86dd Ticket Status: Open I've Agreed to the PunkBuster EULA:Yes Created:02/07/2011 13:01:41 Contact Information Name/Nickname:madmellogr I am writing as a: Player E-mail:** PROTECTED ** Game Information Game: Battlefield 2 Game Mod: Game Version: Computer Information CPU Type: Intel CPU Speed:2.1 RAM Memory:2 Operating System:Windows 7 Video Card Type:onboard Video Card Driver Version: Network Information Network Speed:Faster than DSL/Cable 1Mbps Router: Issue: