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Everything posted by V.Raaazz

  1. hey , it's me again! sorry for doblepost.... It is a way to unban my key??? because the kick is from 2009 and this key i buy it 2 month ago... so.. what can i do ?
  2. no, it wasn't that.. the one who give me the key , he gave to another man too..and the other cheat it.. anyway, thanks for the information! it really help me! pd: sorry about my english!
  3. thanks for the answer, and for that image, now I know why im banned, i will kill that mother fucker of miller... he use my key too. thanks ... the only way is to buy another key right?
  4. what mean AON?
  5. hi... when Im going to enter to one sv I receive this message http://img11.imageshack.us/i/dibujokjzh.jpg/ what that mean?!?!?! I don't understand.. how can I delete this ban so then i can play in any server with pbbans stream... please PD: today i have a match , fuuuuuuuuck PD: my guid : 0853b50f
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