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  1. Thanks for the reply :) both would be nice, but even blocking is fine (without kicking them). the bug is described here . If im not sure i cant block the command, i want to just kick them when typing +smoke (in a no-smoke server when you type this command.. its 99.9% only for the bug..). I suppose this command isn't a cvar check like checking for max packets/offsetscale, etc, because /+smoke isnt actually a cvar. Is there any check like blocking bad names? to detect specific text entered in console? and kick accordingly? thanks again
  2. Hi all, and pardon my "noobness" , in the following question. (did a search, didnt find anything though :/) Is there anyway to monitor in pb whatever a user type in console, and if types a specific text (or text includes a specific "sub"text) to get kicked? Im referring to /+smoke bug. thanks in advance
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