So as the title say,i have a Question.
I play BFP4free since the 31 Nov. 2010. We where happy when PB gets on the Servers. Since the last Days,i read many posts about ppl. who getting kicked by the Server for that:
Aimbot Violation #50428 woot i was happy! Now as it is allways,the ppl. wanna tell us,that they never Cheat,and that these kick must come from somethig else.
I play BF2 for over 4 Years,and i know,normaly when PB kick for that,then its right.
Also i found the Hack where these Violation Numer is from (by google) and i think,they only wanna tell us,that they dont do it,as they are scarred that there accounts get banned soon.
So i only wanna know; can that kick message come from some diffrent thing,what is not a Hack? I dont think so,as i found the Hack and read on the Site where they give it to the ppl. that is detected. But i want to be really safe,before i say something wrong on our forums.
Thx for Reading!
ps: Hope you understand what i mean,as its 2 in the Night,and my English is not so good. xD
pps: I attached a Pic what these guy posted on our forums.So you can see what i mean.