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  1. Actually, by saying this: "Thats when I was informed that you indeed did ban the hackers" you are calling me a hacker. My cd-key wasnt stolent by nobody. You will realize this when in the next few days when they lift this bans.
  2. Another fact is that you dont know if they are hackers. You just saw them playing and you believe that they are cheaters. The story about the stolen key is silly, i bought the game at steam and it was me who got kicked, it was my ip, and when i was sitting here were im now.
  3. I know, you as an admin should know that they dont declare false-positive bans in the first four days. Check the lifted bans, search when they were banned and go to evenbalance/cod4 and try to read how much time passed since the kick ocurred to wen they declared that it might have been a false-positive kick. Do that, if you can read. With english dont being my native, it seems that i understand more than you.
  4. Here we have the clasical one-handed player that doesn´t know what he is talking about. If you just now 5 of the more than 500 who were banned you should not generalize. This was a mistake and EB will recognize this in the next days.
  5. Zano

    Help plz..

    So... no idea how can i solve it? Is there anyway to take pb screenshots to my self whithout needing a server admin?
  6. Zano

    Help plz..

    Those SS were taken in a promod server during a match and the same happens on public promod servers
  7. Zano

    Help plz..

    Hi, ive recently changed my PC so i could play COD4. But now the problem are not my fps but my PB Screenshots. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_PLRuwuYKJZQ/TZi-m6huJ8I/AAAAAAAAAW8/fBWtYfQrxI4/pb000076.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_PLRuwuYKJZQ/TZi-mlQumII/AAAAAAAAAWw/AhyocbZZpdM/pb000067.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_PLRuwuYKJZQ/TZi-msUudBI/AAAAAAAAAW0/Ex3bqTltrxs/pb000078.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_PLRuwuYKJZQ/TZi-m6xJzQI/AAAAAAAAAW4/JBgERRBT_dI/pb000057z.jpg The name, guid and server on the screenshot was modified (i dont know why) not by me, but by the one who posted my screenshots in other formum. Does someone have any idea of what is happening? A friend told me it was the video card but i have no idea. My video card is a gtx465 and i have w7. ZANOOOO
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