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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. Is it possible for a server to SAY they are PB streaming, like in their Signature, but not actually be PB Streaming?? I've got 'PB Enabled' checked in my 'search' function, but will that guarantee I'll find a PB Streaming server?
  2. Almost every server I play on 'says' PBstreaming, and PB enabled servers are ALWAYS checked when I search for servers to play on. It would be pointless to play on a Non-PB enabled server, unless you like being seriously abused. It's not like I jump onto a server and everyone and their brother is hacking, far from it. At most, I might encounter 1 or 2 people per night that are suspicious. However, I still don't understand how a list can drop from 18,000 bans to 15,000 bans. That's nearly a 20% false positive rate.
  3. I'm a little confused. Are Master Bans forever? I ask, because several months ago I viewed the BC2 MBL and there were over 18,000 bans listed. A few days ago, I look and there are 15,000 bans listed?? How is this possible? Are bans removed? I also saw some 1400 bans lifted, but these bans were due to wall hacks and aimbots? SO why were they lifted?? That doesn't make any sense. How do you forgive one person for hacking and lift their ban, and ban someone else for the same thing, forever? I'm just confused how this whole ban process works. Either, people are banned forever, or they are not. Can't have it both ways. Either hackers are tolerated, or they are not, and personally I'm getting sick of seeing them in the games I play. Really sick of it, and I find it hard to believe that only 14,000 players have been banned from Bad Company 2 when I encounter one almost every single time I play. Thank you in advance.
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