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Everything posted by Zetsumei

  1. Red Orchestra plays different than most shooters. The first 8 hours or so it feels like the game is controlling you, making you fight with your character, instead of you controlling the game and fighting the enemy. Then if you get past the initial barrier suddenly things snap into place, you find out that you can actually control your character more than in other games. Most people that managed to play past those first 8 hours fell in love with the game. In the end its exactly the way the guns operate that make people love red orchestra (while nearly everybody hates it in the beginning :P). Its one of the reason why Red Orchestra often had free weeks instead of free weekends, after such a week you had loads of people join the forums saying that they hated the game the first 2 days, and then suddenly loved the game. There will likely be free weekends, guest passes and perhaps a mp demo of some sort. I advice you to try out the new game once you get a chance instead of ignoring it outright. As Tripwire especially aimed at making that initial hurdle easier to get over.
  2. As I've been playing Red Orchestra competitively for about 7 years. I can say that it's a game that's very well suited to competitive play. However its very different to a lot of other games so would require some adaptation time, but I think that most people can see the love (or mod the game to make it fit to their tastes). Anyway this is great news for all pc gamers, as it's been a long time to see a true pc game come out, with a feature list to back it up.
  3. Hello all, I just came along to say hi ^^. I'm a staff member of an upcoming Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad ladder called RO:Ladder (http://hos.roladder.net), and am just happy that Tripwire Interactive notched up their protection for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. RO:Ladder was formed in 2004 and has thus far remained to be the most popular website for competitive play for the Red Orchestra universe, managing to keep competition alive from 2004 all the way into 2011. Over the years we gained a lot of experience in running ladders and leagues, but most importantly have obtained a good understanding of RO's gameplay, allowing us to tailor fit the rules to this single game we focus on. As a smaller website than ESL, Clanbase etc ,we try to compete with our website's special features, knowledge and dedication tailored to the red orchestra game and community. Anyway I hope that we can all manage to get clean competitions going, and obtain a thriving activity.
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