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UpGive last won the day on July 8 2011

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About UpGive

  • Birthday 10/11/1971

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    L3git Tactics
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield Play4Free
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Yes there are 2 sides to every coin but also understand that you dont really need the EBL. I streamm to both PBbans and GGC and will continue to stream to both, since I want all the protection against hackers that I can get. And I also want to say thanks to PBbans for posting their side of what happened in their forums. GGC also posted their side of what happened on their forums but my respect for them drop a little when they took it to the P4F forums.
  2. yea i know would have made the setup alot easier to use recon or the automated setup tool (tries it twice before i saw that you could not use it for BFP4F) but the clan loves it and getting more players on the servers since we has started streaming . A big thanks to you folks and the work you do
  3. Not sure if this is the right area of the forum to post this but it might help someone. I set up my first server for BFP4F with no problem following the instructions in the site (Branzone server). My second server I set up the exact same way but could not get it to stream at all (my internetserverices server) What I found out on the second server is that you cannot upload the files (pbsv, pbsvuser, and pbucon) as this will do nothing with the main files for the server. What I ended up having to do After I downloaded the pdsv and pbsvuser files:::: 1. open the game server control 2. goto game server then to default config files 3. click on edit pb\pbsv.cfg 4. then on my computer I had to open the pbsv that I downloaded and copy and paste the information 5 then do step 3 and 4 for the pbsvuser (make sure you save after you copy and paste) then restart server2 to 4 times this updates the pbucon.use file then jump on server and play a round. Not sure if this will help everyone but after I did this it started steaming with no problems.
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