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  1. Thanks to everyone, everything is sorted now, basically it was language barrier (at least I think so). Topic can be closed now.
  2. Everyone listed on that page are team (clan) members. We don't know of any cases of cheating by them. It will be good check as well of how honest everyone is. I re-submited application.
  3. Thanks for reply The roster (or team list as we call it) is top menu - 4th button from the left (says on it : "Состав" (in russian)) direct link to the page: http://faith-bf.clan.su/index/sostav_roty_kto_ets_kto/0-4 Is it still classed as none viewable? But I will re-apply.
  4. I am thinking of buying one of these beauties. After second vid I am a bit nervious about it. I am not into overclocking, is it going to survive for about 5 years? It would be a shame to put around
  5. How can I get hold of any of those guys? Or is it possible they just appear in this topic at some point?
  6. Hello, I was trying to set up steaming. I assume I have done something wrong down the line as I got confused and messed up a few things along the way. I find that my application most likely denied as its moved to Devied section: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/faith-faith-t143971.html Does anyone know how to find out as to what is wrong? Thanks in advance Obest
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