yeah today i hear from some 1 that in the passed i hacked now PB is banning innocent ppl or what?
the thing is i absolutely hate hackers personaly i wud never pay to hack on a game its pathetic
even more pathetic than that is for me being accused of hacking my score always is shit
i got a better life either than being a noob hacking asshole like they are
really PB? personally you need to open your eyes more and start BANNING the real hackers out there
I am annoyed that PB has noted me as multihack or what ever they wanna call it
Think for a minute PB come on server and watch ppl play before you lot acuse innocents from hacking
Time for you guys to step up and have a little game see why people get annoyed for being banned
then you will notice the big picture why there is so many complaints about how PB is Runned
I will not say my name for legal reasons but im 1 of those that is upset with the way PB is Delt
If there is any1 out there feel the same way please feel free to leave a friendly message to these
inexperienced PB Personel here!...