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  1. I've double and triple checked. My GUID is NOT e4d5edece71c4c46573f39c992f03339. And I definitely do not live in France nor ever have lived in France. I'm Canadian. This is my GUID: I've written a support ticket to GGC. Apparently, they have some false bans going around: http://www.ggc-stream.com/news/84/Game-Violations+-+False+bans+at+external+banlist So, hopefully they get this sorted out.
  2. That's weird. Someone in France probably has the same nick as me. But how am I banned when my GUID is different? And I can't appeal because my GUID is not on the ban list, it says. I'm confused.
  3. Wait what. That's not my GUID and I'm not from French lol.
  4. Hello guys, After scrimming Binary, and upon joining another scrim, I received this pb error along the lines of "Banned for 1200 minutes" External Ban List (Admin decision). The last 8 digits of my guid is ef41b3f7. I do not hack whatsoever and have no history of bans. What the heck is going on? Also, in some servers, I'm fine. I'm confused. Please advise. Clazik
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