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Everything posted by MXDark

  1. Ok thanks for your time and for you don't unban my license warez
  2. Ok , thanks for solve my problem And i don't have money to buy a new cod4 cd-key , i have just 15 year old But , you don't answer to my second question What is MD5OOL #9002? and why PBBans give ban , or is a hack? And you don't want to unban because this license was used in several countries?
  3. [DTXi]DarK(me) -> Canada [DTXi]DiaNa(my exgirlfriend name) ->India [DTXi]Mihaela(my exgirlfriend name) ->USA angel (me) -> Germay BaSh3r *pesca (idk) bfmerlin (idk) BigBossManMB (me) ->Germany Bla (me) ->Italy bLn- (me) ->Russian Federation d xp (me) ->Russian Federation Dark (me) ->Russian Federation Darky (me) ->Germany DiKsA (idk) eG'DarK (me)->Germany Evolution16 (me)->Germany Igl(idk) Jack D. (me) ->Germany JuninhoTinty (me) ->Germany jUSt_p0weR (me) ->Germany Justin (me)->Romania MyWH (me)->Romania RapeGod (me) Sphinx (Sphinx) ->Germany ssasa (idk) test (idk) Teufel (Sphinx)->Germany Tsk (me) ->Germany Zero.FoV (me)->Germany {BbH} Sphinx (1st)->Germany ____________________________ And i was in Canada , USA ,RU, Germany,Italy,Romania,Brazil but i never leave Romania http://www.pbbans.com/forums/violation-md5tool-%239002-t29077.html Please unban this licence ,now I'm the only one who use license
  4. So you can not do anything about unban? I saw that you gave to others unban to same reason , why you can not give me unban? And that man don't play Call Of Duty 4
  5. Hi , I take this license http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-c4468d5f-vb90979.html from Sphinx please unban me Now the big question is " What is MD5OOL #9002? " is a hack or what it is? Thanks for your time
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