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    Americas Army 3
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  1. Ok guys, thanks everybody for the answers ;)
  2. Hello to everybody I'm one of the clan admins of the =IMS= immortal soldiers clan, our web adress is: www.ims.clanservers.com or www.ims.netai.net and we admins are very interested in hack free enviroment on our server which is curently in AA3 ranking on 9th place on battletracker. We promised to all our players to bann all cheaters, hackers and game exploiters so we have a very hard work when we are checking some AA3 players on bcs we dont know exactly which violations of PB is bannable and which is not. For now we ban for .ini midifications that gives the player unffair advantage like no recoil, more speed, better acuracy etc. I'm now very interested about this: Some kinde of CVAR violation: [02.28.2011 14:58:33] |304| VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: ********* (slot #1) Cvar Engine.Input MouseScrollDown * = [e88e77ae464acd95e3dd9a3ef6d63a1a(-)] Is this bannable or not by PB standards and what this modification of the .ini file does with the player who use it? Gretings and thanks in advance from the =IMS= clan
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