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  1. I sent this post to solve the problem of Asian clothing cheat a suggestion: you can arrange regular inspections of some spies in Asia server? They only need to add the server to feel you know the child's pain be cheating if you can not cheat to get10 ranked
  2. In Asia, suit every ten server has eight hacker! this isn't fair!! you should strengthen management now . Report does not address the underlying problems of cheating These hackers very low-key they only using fluoroscopy or automatic headshot One game kill more than 40 people
  3. If a report will hand cramp ,for every minute of cheat you should enter the server feel adm is not online
  4. Basically every minute with a hacker http://battlelog.battlefield.com
  5. i use new key weill not reformat HDD is can? i will reinstall OS and install win7 win7 install a new New folder and Eliminate old win7 folder is that use ? if i not reformat HDD And use new key, Will lead to the new key off the BAN? also i have old bf3 folder if i use it not to dowand new bf3 is Will be BAN?
  6. This is make fun of it too dark. A chance for? You think400 dollars is the wind blowing? I bought a value-added do really PB is rubbish I not for this reason not to buy any battlefield 3you would be less of a customer!
  7. I have sent messages to them for here http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php but my account was also the global BAN excuse me how can restore the global BAN BAN CDKY or computer?
  8. PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player '-Shadow-xu112' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN b01505dd i weill be ban for PB I was wrong I feel regret I spent 400 money to buy this game and PREMIUM for bf3 please Please forgive me for my this life will not go with it
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